Understanding My Child's Power Traits

A self-guided parent course to help you clarify who your child is & how they learn best so you can be their greatest advocate at school & in life

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Many students are expected to learn the same, perform the same, and produce the same, when in fact they are not the same. The ‘I AM’ Project addresses this myth by helping parents (and educators) better understand who their student is and how they learn best, so they can better prepare them to navigate school and ultimately succeed in life.

As we help children fully recognize and embrace the seed of who they are - their disposition, personality, interests, talents, concerns, hopes, passions and dreams – we can begin to truly tap into their motivation to learn.

In this self-guided process you will learn why understanding your child's Power Traits are key and be provided tools and strategies to support your new understanding.

You will be gaining clarity about your child in 5 areas forming what is called their Self-Portrait. (*Based on 'A Power Traits for Life Student-Centered Learning Model & the Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment Student-Centered Learning Model & the Self-Portrait™ Power Traits Assessment by Victoria Kindle Hodson, M. A. & Mariaemma Pelullo-Willis, M. S. of Reflective Educational Perspectives, LLC .)

The 5 areas of focus are:

  • Disposition
  • Modality
  • Environmental Needs
  • Interests
  • Talents

After you discover your child's Power Traits you will have access to a Parent Guide that will help you better understand things like what motivates your child, what challenges your child, homework tips, suggestions for applying their talents and so on. You will also be provided with the My Book of Me for your child so they can begin making sense of their Power Traits, and utilizing the many strategies found there.

(*Note: The assessment is geared towards 3rd graders to adults, but if they are able to understand and answer the questions about how THEY SEE THEMSELVES by themselves then they can take the assessment. It is only beneficial if it is their unpersuaded response.)

Learn more about It's Time!

Your Instructor

Terikka Faciane, M.Ed.
Terikka Faciane, M.Ed.

Terikka Faciane is a Certified Learning Success Coach and founder of It's Time's The 'I AM' Project. Terikka is passionate about helping youth (parents & educators) discover who they are and why they are. She has been reaching out and teaching identity and destiny awareness in some capacity for over two decades now. Approximately eight of those years were in the public school system, and 5 of those years were specifically working with youth labeled 'at-risk'.

She learned quickly that her students needed to be made aware of many things that were not in her curriculum guide. Most of her students had no idea of who they were or where they were going so they could not see the value in ‘schoolwork’.

She knew this dilemma was not unique to her. It was her goal then and remains her goal even more so now that she's a parent to help young people (and those who steward them) identify who they are, how they learn, and how to set goals and make decisions from this deeper place of knowing.

Learn more about Terikka and her offerings...

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

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